Customer Loyalty Program: What our Customers Can Expect
As one of RCC’s Platinum Customers, you will receive the following:
Manage Your Services:
- Trouble-ticketing process available online
- 24/7 trouble-ticket resolution
- Automatic notification of expiring contracts
- Online tracking of all moves, adds and changes
Audit Your Services:
- An audit of your telephony usage, contracts and assets
- A customized recommendation report – you will see an itemized evaluation of services billed versus services contracted, an identification of overpayments, and identification of unused or underused services, and an itemized, specific course of action to follow for savings.
Service Your Account:
- Response to customer service emails and phone calls within two hours
- An online pricing request process
- An only order placement and tracking process
- A monthly account overview and report
- A monthly review of telecom assets inventory
Inventory Your Assets:
- An inventory of all telecom assets – you will know exactly what you are paying for
- The convenience of an inventory stored in a secure, online warehouse.
- Your inventory will be available to you online – it can be updated anytime, anywhere.
- The ability to catalogue your services contracts – also stored in secure, online warehouse
Additionally, RCC’s Platinum customers will receive the following:
- A monthly newsletter with industry information, trends and other relevant and accommodating information.
- The opportunity to attend a quarterly lunch and learn with RCC.
- An invitation to RCC’s CIO Mindshare event to discuss hot topics on what makes a successful decision maker.
- A quarterly business review. Lunch included.
- A generous contribution to your company’s charity of choice.
- A 50% discount on Audex, an online repository software that will allow you to optimize storage and management.
- A fun, personalized and fun thank you gift for partnering with RCC!
As one of RCC’s Gold Customers, you will receive the following:
- An audit of your telephony usage, contracts and assets
- A customized recommendation report – you will see an itemized evaluation of services billed versus services contracted, an identification of overpayments, and identification of unused or underused services, and an itemized, specific course of action to follow for savings.
Service Your Account:
- Response to customer service emails and phone calls within four hours
- An online pricing request process
- An only order placement and tracking process
- An quarterly account overview and report
- A quarterly review of telecom assets inventory
Inventory Your Assets:
- An inventory of all telecom assets – you will know exactly what you are paying for
- The convenience of an inventory stored in a secure, online warehouse.
- Your inventory will be available to you online – it can be updated anytime, anywhere.
- The ability to catalogue your services contracts – also stored in secure, online warehouse
Additionally, RCC’s Gold customers will receive the following:
- A monthly newsletter with industry information, trends and other relevant and accommodating information.
- The opportunity to attend a quarterly lunch and learn with RCC.
- A quarterly business review. Lunch included.
- A fun personalized thank you gift for partnering with RCC!
As one of RCC’s Silver Customers, you will receive the following:
- Response to customer service emails and phone calls within 24 hours
- An online pricing request process
- An only order placement and tracking process
- An annual account overview and report
- An annual review of telecom assets inventory
Inventory Your Assets:
- An inventory of all telecom assets – you will know exactly what you are paying for
- The convenience of an inventory stored in a secure, online warehouse.
- Your inventory will be available to you online – it can be updated anytime, anywhere.
- The ability to catalogue your services contracts – also stored in secure, online warehouse
Additionally, RCC’s Silver customers will receive the following:
- A monthly newsletter with industry information, trends and other relevant and accommodating information.
- A quarterly business review. Lunch included.
- A fun personalized thank you gift for partnering with RCC!
Each customer will receive a Competitive Assurance Guarantee:
As a client of RCC, you not longer have to take calls from telecom salespeople. Simply forward their information to RCC, or give them our contact information. We will diligently and comprehensively gather and review their technology and offerings. We will review legitimate offerings at our regular meetings, or sooner if so desired. Together we will strategize on whether to move to that carrier, negotiate with your existing provider, or issue a Scope of Work RFP to uncover the best solution at a competitive price. Either way, you will stay ahead of the technology and discount curves while remaining focused on what you do best – running your business and satisfying customers!
We appreciate your business!